Cats, Hobbies, Mal


I realised I haven’t done a blog post about cats in absolutely ages. It’s not that I’ve become bored of them – AS IF! I have just been without internet for a while so without further ado … LET’S TALK ABOUT CATS.

My friend from work has told me she is going away for the week and was struggling to think of anybody to look after and stay with her kitten whilst she was away. Needless to say, I told her, why are you looking any further than at me? She agreed, and I’m now babysitting for the week a three month old kitten – who despite his age is like a GIANT compared to my own cat. She is seven months but is still a little titchy thing! I vow to be the best temporary mother that this kitten has ever seen. I’ve even stocked up and got his favourite treats in the cupboard for when I go and see him.

I’m terrible for feeling guilty when I leave animals alone, especially at night. Even at the zoo, I feel bad leaving them there, I just feel like they need some company. Although animals in zoos probably love it when the public all go home. Back at my non student-y home, we keep the rabbits indoors so they don’t have to spend all their days outside and alone in complete darkness at night times. What can I say, I’m a softie for the softies!

I am so excited to be this little chap’s new temporary mummy. His name’s Oreo, which is adorable, although I’ll try not to sneak him any of the actual biscuits. I know Mal – my kitten – has already had the pleasure of eating mine and only leaving crumbs while my back was turned. My friend said I can spend however long I like at hers, looking after him, keeping him company etc. I’m pretty sure she only asked me to feed him everyday but I can’t bear the thought of him all alone so I’ll set up camp there for the week and come home at night times to tend to my own cat. I’m even going to bring her along with me to meet him at some point during the week.

I will openly admit, I am hoping they might fall a little bit in love.
It’ll be like having little playdates. I just hope they don’t hate each other. They’re both black and white, so they’d have gorgeous babies! Even though I’ve made sure that’s quite impossible to happen by taking her to the vets some time last month.

Imagine, baby kittens as a result of a week long kitty romance!

I love spoiling my cat. She sleeps right next to me, and on my shoulder at night times and always comes running if I call her name. If I go shopping, I always look if there are any cute things I can get for her. She is my baby. Through and through. Cats are way better than human babies. Yesterday I went to Pets At Home and bought her a few treasures. I bought her some Dreamies – she goes completely beserk for them and has already tried to run off with the packet in her mouth every time she gets into the cupboard. I also got her a new nametag for her collar. It’s silver with three tiny, pink gems dotted along the bottom, in a heart shape, of course, and with her name in capitals letters stenciled in to it. She looks just gorgeous.

I also got her a bow.

Isn’t it cute?

Here’s one of her face, just so you can all see how grown up she’s looking now! If you scroll through my older blog posts you will be able to see photos of her as a teeny tiny baby, with matts of fur and fluff flying fuzzy all over her body. Now, she’s such a big girl, although still very tiny.

Once I am babysitting Oreo during the week I will be sure to take lots of photos of him. So keep holding your breaths for photos of that once I do my next post! He just has the cutest face, I have to commit it to the rest of the blogging community. Maybe I’ll even take photos of him with a packet of Oreos by his side.


I have so missed blogging about cats ….

Mal, Student House Stories

Held Under Fire

As a mature, accomplished 19 year old university student, I have come home to a cold house under a seize of fire.

Currently, there are roughly 4-5 large, loud and extremely hyper 7 year olds running around the house, along the hallways, up and down the stairs; they’ve even built themselves a highly strategic fort in the living room so sofas have been moved around and I can’t get into the food cupboards. I cannot even reach my tea – so I’m saying goodbye to hot beverages and may have to resort to walking swiftly out to the shops every time I want a drink. These 7 year olds – or that is how they appear to be anyway – are in actual fact nearly grown men, around the ages of 17-19 years old.

They are incredibly loud.
They keep bursting into my bedroom, unannounced, screaming my name, and demanding I join them in their Nerfgun battle to the death. I don’t want to die today.

Despite being sold and marketed towards kids, those bullets seriously hurt if they speed headlong into say your eye.

Mal is happy though. Despite being ran through with bullets she’s taken to running round the house with them, attempting to play too.
What a right little soldier. She’s my little Browncoat.

But then they stepped on her.

Basically, this was me.

So I went crazy. She’s shut up inside my room with me now, hiding under the bed.

Mal down!

Student House Stories

Supernatural Ghosties

Recently, our student house has become spooked with tales of ghost stories. Particularly last night when we spent almost two hours in my dark bedroom by candlelight talking about the supernatural and all that. Weird coincidences, supernatural sightings and super freaky dreams. It had us hooked.
And so lately, we are determined that in our house we have a ghost. We’re not sure if they are a friendly run-of-the-mill Casper kind of ghost, or a ‘I will haunt you to your doom’ ghost, but even so, my boyfriend and I were scared enough to run upstairs holding hands asking our youngest female room mate if we could sleep in her room for the night. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, I am ashamed to admit that that move right there is particularly wussy – even if there was a freaking ghost in our house.

If we do have a ghost, I hope he just does this

     We have not much evidence as of yet that we house a ghost in our humble abode, but we have a fair few reasons why we believe: I’ll let you read them, see what you think.

  • I have frequently emerged out of my bedroom to find my key has been taken out of the lock and is on the floor. This almost always happens when nobody else is home. Once it happened at night time, and I was, well, a little freaked out.
  • A few weeks ago, we were sat in the living room watching television (because we live the student life the hell up) and Mal, my kitten, came running in like a zooming spacecraft! She probably thought she was in a space shuttle like in Firefly. She suddenly ran into a standstill and arched her back up as high as she could and started hissing like crazy at something in the corner of the room. We couldn’t see it, whatever she was hissing at. But she was so freaked out. They say animals have a weird sense of these things, or whatever.
  • And just today, my roommate, Sam, was about to go out… (continue down!)

I heard him muttering behind me, cursing, but I was working so left him to it. I leave him to mutter about a lot of things really. Usually, they’re not very important. But he turned around, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “No way, Emily, I am not even joking. Look at this.” He showed me a funeral director’s card that had come from his pocket.
“Yeah, so what?” I answered.
“This was in my pocket. It was not in there yesterday because I always walk with my hands in my pockets. Why the hell would I put a funeral director’s card in my pocket?”
I suggested to him that maybe he did it when he was drunk. He adamantly replied no.
“I was wearing it yesterday and it wasn’t there. And I haven’t been drunk since new year’s. I didn’t put this in here.”
We looked at each other and, well maybe because we like the heightened drama, we wailed and exclaimed “AH GHOOOOST” at each other. I’m hoping it was a roommate playing a joke on him. He went out and then rang me about five minutes later. And he said that he’d found another funeral director’s card in his trouser pocket this time.
“I kid you not,” he said. “Where the hell are these coming from?!”

     So, either it’s one of us playing a joke on him (which I really hope it is), or this house ghost has ordered him a death wish.